You know that feeling, when you suddenly feel like you just woke up, and you wonder where you are? This was one of those moments.

~ We Dared Greatly, prologue


It’s been a crazy few years, hasn’t it?

I’ll bet I’m not the only one who thought about running away from it all. I dreamed of downsizing, of spending more time with my husband and sons. I was tired of the news and the weather and my suburban, American life.

Maybe, like me, you’re in the sailing and tiny-house Facebook groups, subscribed to the YouTube channels, and reading all the books. You see people brave enough to take the leap who are living amazing, unconventional lives. It looks so sexy, so easy, so…free.

Well, we did it. We took the leap. We quit our jobs, got rid of most of our stuff, and off we went.

Sounds like a dream, right? And it was…kind of. Let’s just say, it was an adventure.

This is our story of selling it all to go live on a sailboat.

Ready to read about the adventure?

Available in paperback, hardcover, e-book, and soon as an audiobook!

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